JT Spaulding Associates is on the forefront of Internet Advertising. We feel that as a professional you need to utilize a diversified approach to Internet advertising. A web site is necessary in this day and age. Nevertheless, it takes more than just that. Once you have your own web site you need to expose that website to as many potential clients as possible. While search engine placement is extremely important it isn't the only way to be found on the Internet.
Directories like DivorceHQ.com allow your site to be included on a specialized list of sites relating to a given topic or practice area. This technique narrows the scope of your promotion and helps you direct web users more interested in your specialty to your site. Generally, a person who finds your site using a directory or listing is more interested in your site than someone who found your site through a search engine. Reaching your target audience, that's what advertising is all about.
DivorceHQ.comcovers all aspects of divorce but most importantly, it containing directories of matrimonial attorneys, mediators, divorce planners, accountants, family counselors, therapists and financial planners. You will find this informative site is a great place to market your firm to potential clients looking specifically for a divorce professional for as little as $149 per year.